Thank You Trump!
An article by Esra Oziskender. Esra Oziskender is a journalist, human resources specialist, recruiter and a social media consultant.
On behalf of many American fellows, I'd like to thank to Trump for the Covid-19 Stimulus Checks and PUA (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.)
Don't get me wrong please; This is neither a praise to Trump nor I am a Republican, in fact I am a Democrat since I started exploring my political views which goes way back to as early as my 20s. And my family in both sides are strong democrats as well. Yet, there is a saying: "Caesar's right to Sezar" (render unto caesar that which is caesar’s) means he did the right thing by approving and/or proposing those stimulus checks and PUA which helped Americans in an enormous deal.
On the other hand, this is our money! Most of the revenue that government getting is coming from our taxes. So we own those money and in the Senate we have all parties; left and right so this was a collaborative work: Therefore as some say: Thank you Mr. Trump and thank you Ms. Pelosi.
And thank you to all taxpayers.

There are right wings and left wings yet we are human we are not wings. In this world we should all be able to judge everything without being labeled with anything. I should be able to vote for the President of Australia for instance according to all the world presidents' international images and reliabilities. This is one world that we are living in and we should all be responsible from everything happening on it. In a global world I am sorry for the pain that people are having in any part of the earth, not only people, any lives because all lives matter.

Life goes on, no matter what happens. Those days will pass too but I am really hoping that as the citizens of the world we will bound with each other more and more as time goes by regardless of our race, background, gender, education level or anything else. We share same feelings and the feelings separate us from other living creatures.
Thank you America!
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